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Active Learning
The transformative learning process at Alliance Theological Seminary is designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. Each class meeting is filled with rich interaction and sharpening of one another. Our Instructors and Class Facilitators create an open setting, where students can grow in rightly understanding God's word and applying it daily!
Master of Theological Studies (M.A.T.S.)​
(example, see Student Handbook for details about other programs)
Students seeking the M.A.T.S. degree must fulfill 60 academic hours by completing the following:
Bible: 3 Courses (9 hours)
Theology: 6 courses (18 hours)
Ministerial/Missions courses: 3 courses (9 hours)
Humanities: 2 courses (6 hours)
Electives 6 courses (18 hours)
Reference Documents about MINTS Model: MINTS Manual and MINTS Catalog
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